Consulting Arborist Benjamin Inman has been studying Arboriculture since 1998, since this date Ben has achieved the following knowledge and experience in Arboriculture.
- AQF Level 5 Arborist
- AQF Level 4 Trade Qualified Arborist
- Train the Trainer
- ISA Certified Arborist
- ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
- 15 years experience as a Municipal Arborist
- 10 years experience as a Consulting Arborist
- 6 years as aQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Tree Assessor
- 5 years experience as a Municipal Arboricultural Manager
Education and training has been an ongoing and important requirement for all staff at Trees are Cool, and the following training has been conducted
Awareness / Train the Trainer for Queensland Myrtle Rust Response
- Managing Multiple projects, objectives and deadlines
- Queensland Disaster Management Arrangement
- Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements
- Overhead electrical Awareness
- Quality Customer Focus Correspondence
- Putting Customer Service into perspective
- Customer Focus Building our future
- Behaving Assertively
- How to Negotiate a Win Win
- Dealing with Difficult Behaviour and situations
Trees are Cool Consulting Arborists have the expeirence needed to help you with all of your Arboriculture Matters.